5 ways a doula can support you

Feb 24, 2025


I decided to get the help of a post natal doula after having my third baby and it was the best decision I could have made for our family. 

I know that so many people, I was one of them, have no idea that there even is such a thing as a post natal doula let alone what they can do for you so I wanted to ask the wonderful Sam who helped me to give us a brief overview of what you can expect from a post natal doula. 

One of the most common questions that I am asked is: How can a postnatal doula support Mummas to get reacquainted with their bodies and their fitness after they have given birth? Today I would love to share my top five ways to help your body, mind and soul during your baby’s first year.

1. Time For Your Health
As a new Mum it’s so hard to find the time to move your body, write your thoughts, or work out
where you are on the emotional rollercoaster. But it’s important to stay healthy in your body,
mind and soul. As your postnatal doula, my role can be to help you find that time.
● When you want to roll out the yoga mat and invest time doing gentle stretching and strength work, I am there to take Bubs and help organise the laundry whilst you enjoy a gentle stretch.
● Journaling can be a very powerful tool to help you understand what you are feeling and how you are healing. We can create time in the schedule for you to escape to your favorite space whilst I take Bubs for a walk.
● Many clients need time to enjoy rest and recuperation with their holistic therapists, as well as visit GPs and consultants for bits and bobs. I can be there to organize lifts and appointments, look after bubs whilst you have appointments, and make sure there is cake and tea when you get home.

2. Support Your Nutrition
A large part of my role as your postnatal doula is to ensure that you have the healthiest options ready to grab when you are wanting a main meal, or a great snack. I can cook with all your dietary requirements in mind, and make sure that your fridge, freezer and cookie jar are topped up with food that will promote health, healing and curb the sugar cravings!

3. Listen Whilst You Talk
You have been through a huge amount; whether you are welcoming your first baby into your
family, or your fourth. Every pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is personal and it is important to
be able to say all the things you need to say, cry the tears, and enjoy the laughter. I am here to hold that space; always listening,never judging, and providing never ending cups of tea for you to enjoy hot.

4. Signposting
Working with a team of wise people who have knowledge in different areas of healing after birth is key to being the best postnatal doula I can be! My community is filled with experts in breast feeding, baby wearing, sleep (!), as well as physical rehabilitation. I can always point you in the right direction for your questions to be answered by someone who can help you in their field and send links to evidence based research and best practice.

5. Walk With You
It is such a privilege to walk with you through the first year of your child’s life. From popping by
your home to drop off a care package, cooking for a few hours to fill your fridge through the
early months and weaning phase, and regularly checking in to make sure you are supported in the ways that you need, I am there.

I love working with all my Mummas and families, seeing the difference it makes to their newborn experience fills me with so much joy. And remember, once your doula, always your doula!
With love,

If you would like to work with Sam, or see if she knows a doula nearer to you then get in touch


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